On behalf of our faculty and staff, I would like to welcome you to Live Oak High School. I am energized and deeply committed to making a positive difference in the lives of the students at Live Oak High. I embrace the challenges of the future while we continue to cherish and celebrate the traditions of the past. Our remarkable staff, involved parents, and committed students work harmoniously to make Live Oak High a wonderful and unique place.
This year promises to be a year full of engaging, meaningful and challenging work in our classrooms. Along with enjoyment and special times through a plethora of extracurricular clubs and activities, athletic teams and school events, each student will have a well-rounded high school experience.
Preparing young people for the challenges they will face is our first priority. Our course of study is rigorous, student-centered, and offers all learners a wide range of opportunities. In addition to core subjects, students have access to extensive elective offerings. This comprehensive program is supported by our excellent facilities that allow teachers to integrate technology and hand-on experiences into student learning.
You will find that Live Oak High’s extra-curricular activities are also extensive and excellent. Most students choose to become involved in at least one club or sport during their time with us. Many of our organizations have a strong community service component. Some of the most important lessons our students learn occur outside the classroom—on the court, field, and stage.
Live Oak High is a “second home” to over 1,300 people. We strive to maintain an atmosphere that is positive, respectful, and supportive. Our goal is to help young people to develop their own abilities while also learning from others. In our learning community, we celebrate individual as well as shared accomplishments.
I look forward to this school year and thank you in advance for supporting the Eagles. Good Luck in all that you do and welcome to Live Oak High School.

Live Oak School began in 1895 when the Reverend Joel Ott donated a plot of ground (just across the highway from the present Live Oak Hardware), and the citizens of the neighborhood built a one room schoolhouse about 20 x 25 feet. The room was built of cypress from trees of the Amite River swamps and boasted of one front door and six open windows. Furnishings included one ladder-back chair for the teacher, two long benches with backrests for the younger students, and one large long desk with benches on either side for the older students. This public school was open three months of the year: June, July, and August. School enrollment was 25 or 30; with classes beginning at 8 a.m. and ending at 4 p.m. Students enjoyed three recesses, with an hour for lunch at noon.
The first teacher was John Zachary Underwood, who later served as a parish school superintendent. First grade teachers received $35 per month; second grade teachers received $25 a month; third grade teachers received $15 a month. The first graduation was on April 17, 1925, with one graduate, Adele Fugler Fontenot.
At the turn of the century, the community realized the need for higher education, and a two-story building was built beneath a large pin oak tree just west of the old schoolhouse. Two teachers were employed at this school. Unfortunately, after only two or three years, a tree demolished the building during a small tornado.
The school was rebuilt as a two-room building with a front porch. Other rooms were later added. As the enrollment increased, two or more teachers were required. At this time, transportation was added to the school system, with the horse-wagon (three or four of them) bringing children to and from school.
Soon another building was needed, and a plot of land was purchased at the junction of Springfield and Old River roads. This building was a two-story one, with classrooms and a home economics room. Later an auditorium was added, along with other classrooms. A gym, which served as an auditorium, was also added.
In 1973 the Live Oak School consisted of a high school with a principal, 29 teachers, and 525 students and an elementary school with a principal, 20 teachers, and 492 students.
1936 - First class to graduate in caps and gowns
1925 - Adele Fugler First graduate
1948 - School Eagle Mascot
1948 - School colors of Royal blue & gold chosen
1948 - The Eaglet yearbook
"The first teacher was John Zachary Underwood, who later served as a parish school superintendent.."
School Mission
Educational Excellence in
Goals for
Learning and
Student Success.
Our Beliefs
Learning is the #1 priority.
The school and community share the responsibility for advancing the school’s mission.
The school establishes an environment that enhances and challenges student development.
Goals and expectations for student achievement guide curricular and learning experiences.
Equal Opportunity
Notice of Nondiscrimination
Livingston Parish Public Schools adheres to the equal opportunity provisions of federal and civil rights laws, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age sex, sexual orientation, marital status or disability. The Title IX Coordinator is Bruce Chaffin, Assistant Superintendent, P. O box 1130, Livingston, LA; phone (225) 686-7044; email bruce.chaffin@lpsb.org. The Title II Coordinator is Tammy Kuhn, PO box 1130 Livingston, LA 70754; phone (225)686-7044; email tammy.kuhn@lpsb.org. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in any meeting, please contact Debra Sawyer of the LPPS special Education office at (225) 686-4248. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the LPPS to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting.
Livingston Parish Public Schools is committed to ensuring that all websites and web applications, both public-facing and for internal use, conform to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (W.C.A.G.) 2.0 Level AA. Any issues should be reported toLPWebAccessibility@lpsb.org. (bruce.chaffin@lpsb.org), Assistant Superintendent, P.O. Box 1130, Livingston, LA 70754; Phone (225) 686-7044. The Special Education Director is Dr. Eric Penalber (eric.penalber@lpsb.org); the LPPS 504 Coordinator is Marcia McKnight (Marcia.McKnight@lpsb.org), P.O. Box 1130 Livingston, LA 70754; Phone (225)686-4248.
Bell Schedule
Odd Schedule
1st Block 7:09-8:44
3rd Block 8:48-10:23
5th Block 10:27-12:36
Lunch 1st floor 10:27-10:57
Lunch 2nd floor 12:03-12:36
7th Block 12:40-2:15
Even Schedule
2nd Block 7:09-8:54
4th Block 8:59-10:44
6th Block 10:49-1:10
Lunch 1st floor 10:49-11:19
Lunch 2nd floor 12:39-1:10
8th Block 1:15-2:15
Hail Live Oak High School
To you we sing our praise.
Your great high principles
Will guide us on our ways.
To the Eagle Blue and Gold
Loyal we will be.
We’ll stand for what is just and right;
And march to victory.
Alma Mater

School Stats
• #1 Public School Ranking 2022
• School ranked in Top 10% of State
• Average ACT score -- 19
• Over 998 Industry-based Certifications earned
• Over 139 Work Keys certifications
• More than 500 AP Students and 930 AP Exams completed
• Highly Qualified Teachers
• Enrollment 1406
• Classification 5A
• School Colors: Royal Blue and Gold
• In 2022, we had more than 222 students who earned college or career and technical education course credit through CLEP, AP, or dual enrollment courses. There were 8 AP Capstone graduates and 2 potential AP Capstone graduates. Total amount of awards and scholarships was $2,343,455 and including TOPS earnings was $6,343,455.
Positive Behavior Support
Live Oak High utilizes school wide positive behavior support. School wide positive behavior support (SWPBS) is a scientifically research-based systems approach to enhancing the capacity of schools to educate all students. SWPBS
is a proactive process whereby school leadership teams, in alignment with school improvement efforts: 1) facilitate the school’s implementation of
system-wide positive discipline procedures, 2) make ongoing data-based decisions about the effectiveness of their discipline procedures/interventions,
and 3) make adjustments as needed throughout the year to enhance the
success of both students and staff. SWPBS meets the demands of Act 1225,
The Education/Juvenile Justice Partnership Act, and facilitates improved
school climates so that students and faculty can focus on learning.
Fight Song
Go right through for Live Oak High,
Watch the points keep growing!
Eagle teams are bound to win,
They'll fight until the end.
Go Team Go!
See their team is weakening,
We're going to win this game!
Fight! Fight! Eagles Fight!
Victory for Live Oak High!
Friday Schedule
1st hour 7:09-8:11
2nd hour 8:15-8:57
3rd hour 9:01-10:02
4th hour 10:06-10:49
5th hour 10:53-12:23
6th hour 12:27-1:09
7th hour 1:13-2:15
Grading Scale
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F Below 60%
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F Below 60%
Advanced Placement
Live Oak High School posted the district’s strongest results – the school administered 419 AP exams in 2016, receiving 227 passing scores for a 54.2 percent overall passage rate. At the same time, the school received notification that 44 students earned the prestigious AP Scholar Award. The award includes several levels of distinction that is given to students who successfully pass a minimum number of AP Exams. more...
Click here for the Student Handbook
Asbestos Policy
Click here
Uniform Policy
Click here for the Uniform Policy
Dear Parents,
On behalf of Livingston Parish Public Schools, we are requesting you assist us in our efforts to maintain our schools open so we can continue to educate your children.
If anyone in your family has symptoms of any illness, please keep all of your students home until everyone in the family is symptom free for 24 hours without the use of medicine.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call ELEC at (225)686-4246. Someone there will be happy to help answer your questions.
Again, please do not send any member of your family to any of our school campuses if they are experiencing any symptoms of illness.
Thanks for working with us to educate our students.
Thien Trinh
Class of 2024